
SupportedQNAPNASDevices.NAKIVOBackup&ReplicationsupportsthefollowingQNAPNASDevices:DirectorandOnboardTransporter.HS-251+;HS-453DX;TS-251 ...,YoucaneasilymoveharddrivesfromoneQNAPNAStoanotherforseamlesssystemmigrationwhileretainingallexistingdata.Beforemigrating,pleasecheckNAS ...,Viewcompatibleandrecommendedharddrives(andotherdevices)fromtheCompatibilityListtoensurethebestperformanceforyou...

Supported QNAP NAS Devices

Supported QNAP NAS Devices. NAKIVO Backup & Replication supports the following QNAP NAS Devices: Director and Onboard Transporter. HS-251+; HS-453DX; TS-251 ...

Compatibility for NAS Migration

You can easily move hard drives from one QNAP NAS to another for seamless system migration while retaining all existing data. Before migrating, please check NAS ...

NAS hard drive compatibility

View compatible and recommended hard drives (and other devices) from the Compatibility List to ensure the best performance for your QNAP NAS.


威聯通科技(QNAP Systems, Inc.)致力於研發,並提供高品質NAS網路儲存設備及專業NVR網路監控錄影設備給家庭、SOHO族,以及中小企業用戶。

Compatibility List

QNAP regularly tests hard drives and other devices for compatibility with our products. Please check below for details on compatible and recommended devices.